Atlantis Health Plan - Doctors make the difference
Atlantis Health Plan is one of the first managed care health plans in
New York that�s owned and operated by doctors and not an insurance company.
It means that medical decisions about your health care are made by doctors.�
Atlantis private practice doctors and hospitals are among the finest and
most well respected in New York City. �Your employees can receive coverage
for routine doctor�s visits, emergency care, prescription drugs, S-rays,
hospitalizations � and more.
A Focus on Preventive Care and Personal Service
Here are just three examples of how Atlantis physicians make a difference
- Prevention and Early Detection Program
As a doctor-owned plan, we believe that a thorough preventive care program
can result in early detection and prevention of disease.� Atlantis goes
beyond traditional preventive care programs by including annual physicals,
lipid screening, diabetes screening, mammography, prostate and colon cancer
screening with no hassle.� Do not wait until you have symptoms.� Be smart.�
See your doctor.� Early detection and prevention SAVES LIVES.
- Ideal Body Weight Program
Atlantis Health Plan is leading the way in partnership with Weight Watchers
to get you started in achieving your ideal body weight.� Being over-weight
has shown to be a leading cause of mortality and morbidity.
It is also a cofactor in diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, heart
disease and cancer.� Through weight control, Atlantis Health Plan will
be able to lower the risk of the development of such diseases.
- 24/7 MD Hotline
Atlantis Health Plan is pleased to introduce you to the only 24/7 MD
Hotline in New York.� You will be able to speak to an experienced doctor,
not an answering machine.� For you or your child, we have pediatricians
and internists ready to respond to your call.� Have the peace of mind
of talking to a real doctor.
- 12 Month Referral
If you are using the Health Plan or POS plan, rest assured that you do not have to
go to your Primary Care Physician every time you need a referral. In Atlantis
Health Plan, our referrals are valid for a 12 month period, avoiding unnecessary
visits to your PCP.