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Referral/Authorization Summary Sheet
Procedures/Services NOT requiring pre-authorization or written referral:
- PCP Office Visit
- OB/GYN Office Visit
- Routine Vision Care
- Mammography
- Prescription /Pharmaceutical Services (exception list attached)
- Routine Radiology Services (plain films)
- Laboratory services
Procedures/Services requiring written referrals:
- A written referral is issued for consultation, diagnosis, or treatment
- Referrals are valid for ninety (90) days from the date of the requesting provider's signature
- Fill in the complete name and identification number for the member; include the member's medication and allergy history
- Include a rule out or working diagnosis
- Fill in the Specialist's name*
- PCP must sign and date the referral
- Send white & pink copies and any relevant attachments to the specialist
- PCP is to retain the green copy for his/her records
*Refer to the Atlantis Health Plan Provider Directory for a listing of participating network specialists.
Please call the Atlantis Health Plan Utilization Department at 1-800-270-9072 if there are no providers listed for a particular specialty. Health Plan policyholders require pre-authorization for out-of-network referrals. For all members, in-network referrals entail the lowest out-of-pocket expense
Services requiring Plan notification (1-800-270-9072):
- Urgent inpatient admissions
- Emergency inpatient admissions
- Emergency Room services within forty-eight (48) hours of treatment
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