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Termination of Coverage

Coverage of a Member or Members will terminate in the event that:

1. A Subscriber elects to terminate the Contract by giving the Plan one month's prior written notice.

2. The group elects to terminate the Agreement with Atlantis. In such case, the Contracts of all Members covered under the Group Contract will terminate.

3. A Subscriber�s covered dependent ceases to meet the eligibility requirements of this Certificate of Coverage. Dependent Coverage will terminate on the next premium due date following the date on which the dependent ceased to meet such requirements.

4. The Subscriber dies. The Contract will automatically terminate on the date of death, unless the Subscriber has Family Coverage, in which case the coverage automatically terminates at the end of the period for which the premium had been paid.

5. The Subscriber�s marriage is terminated. Coverage of the Subscriber�s wife or husband will terminate on the date of divorce or annulment.

Member rights to Continuation of Coverage are described in the next Section.

The Plan may terminate the Contract for any of the reasons below:

1. The Subscriber or a participating entity has failed to pay premiums or contributions in accordance with the terms of the Contract or Atlantis has not received timely premium payments.

2. The Subscriber or a participating entity has performed an act or practice that constitutes fraud or made an intentional misrepresentation of material fact under the terms of the Contract. One month�s prior written notice of termination will be given.

3. The Subscriber is no longer a member of the Group. The Group Contract will terminate automatically on the date to which your premium has been paid by the Group.

4. The Subscriber no longer resides, lives or works in the Service Area (or in an area for which Atlantis is authorized to do business).

5. Upon discontinuance of this class of contract upon not less than ninety - (90) day�s prior written notice. In exercising the option to discontinue coverage, Atlantis shall act uniformly without regard to any health status-related factor of enrolled individuals or individuals who may become eligible for such coverage and shall offer subscribers or group remitting agents, as may be appropriate, the option to purchase all other individual health insurance coverage currently being offered by Atlantis to applicants in that market.

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