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In-Plan Referrals

In an HMO, it is important for you to understand how to access care, especially if you are injured or ill (See also Section IX �Your Primary Care Provider�). In most instances, if you require specialty care that is not an emergency, you will need a referral from your Primary Care Provider to a network specialist.

There may be times however when certain conditions warrant an exception to the standard referral process. In such cases, you have the right to request:

1. Standing Referrals - Members with conditions which require ongoing care from a specialist may request a standing referral to such a specialist.

2. Access to Specialist Care and Specialty Care Centers - A Member with (i) a lifethreatening condition or disease or (ii) a degenerative and disabling condition or disease either of which requires specialized medical care over a prolonged period of time may request:

(a) A specialist responsible for providing or coordinating the Member's medical care, and or

(b) Access to a specialty care center.

3. Access to Out-of-Network Providers

� If the Plan does not have a health care provider with appropriate training and experience in its network to meet the particular needs of a Member.

� If the Plan finds it necessary to use providers outside the network and approves this decision in writing.

� For a second medical opinion after a diagnosis of cancer (either negative or positive) or a recurrence of cancer or a recommendation for a course of treatment for cancer.

4. Transitional care by a non Network Provider

� If a Member�s health care provider leaves the Plan�s network for reasons unrelated to quality of patient care, fraud, or disciplinary action.

� If a new Member has a life threatening or degenerative and disabling condition or disease.

� If a new Member has entered the second trimester of pregnancy at the time of enrollment.

The MEMBER HANDBOOK describes the procedures to request access to these provisions while using in-Plan HMO benefits and the conditions and time frames under which approval will be given.

NOTE: If the Member is using out-of-Plan benefits as part of the Point of Service Plan, services will be allowed subject to Section VII �Accessing Out-of-Plan Benefits� and Section XI �Pre- Authorization� with deductibles and co-insurance described in the �Summary of Benefits�.

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