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Atlantis Outpatient Centers

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In-Plan Mental Health and Substance Abuse treatment services are provided by Atlantis� behavioral health care management program. The services include inpatient, outpatient, rehabilitation, and aftercare benefits. These benefits are subject to the terms and conditions described in your Subscriber Contract and the limitations shown in the Schedule of Benefits.

If you or a covered family member needs behavioral health services, simply call the Program at 1-800-469-5636. Clinical case managers are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All calls are strictly confidential. Arrangements will be made for consultation and referral to an appropriate licensed specialist or participating facility. If, due to an emergency, you were unable to call the program prior to receiving care, you or a representative must contact the Program within 24 hours.


Prescription Drug and Vision Care are Covered Services of some plans. Please check your Subscriber Contract, Schedule of Benefits or Group Rider to see if these benefits are applicable to your coverage.


Your contract provides benefits for routine vision care services. Eyeglasses and contact lenses are not generally covered. Some Groups however have elected to provide benefits for eyeglasses and or contact lenses. When elected, a Rider (addendum) adds the coverage to your subscriber contract. The Rider details the benefits of the Vision Care coverage and explains how to obtain these services.


Coverage for prescription drugs is an In-Plan benefit. The Prescription Drug Card Program provides a network of participating pharmacies for filling prescriptions (up to a 34-day supply) and a mail order program for 60-day supplies of maintenance drugs. All covered prescriptions (whether written by an In-Plan or Out-of-Plan physician) must be purchased at one of the participating pharmacies or through the mail order program. Your membership kit explains the Prescription Drug Card Program and how to access the benefits. In addition, your Subscriber contract details all benefits, exclusions and limitations of the coverage.


Chiropractic care is a covered service of some contracts.

In-Plan chiropractic services are provided by Atlantis� chiropractic management program. These benefits are subject to the terms and conditions described in your Subscriber Contract and the limitations shown in the Schedule of Benefits.

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